
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First look at Dark Shadows #10

Dark Shadows #10 has been solicited from Dynamite, with an incredibly optimistic publication date of "July 2012" listed at the company's website. You need an I Ching to make sense of comicbook publication dates, so interpret that July date as meaning "It will come out when it comes out."
Here's an issue summary.

Barnabas Collins and his family are still reeling from their encounter with The Children and their sire. The brutal war has left those closest to Barnabas questioning his very nature. However, with a possible cure in his hands, will this 175 year old vampire finally be free of his vampiric curse? Or will remaining a vampire show once and for all that you don't need to be human to prove you have a noble soul?

1 comment:

  1. What is it with these release dates for the Dark Shadows comics?? I haven't even seen #5 yet, but #10 is supposed to be in July? I usually buy my copies on Ebay, and have them in Search, but no results show up and I keep thinking I've missed the next issue. It's getting a bit frustrating, I'm afraid.


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